Here we'll look at a simple example of running a thread from a Gall agent via Khan. The Gall agent will take a boolean poke. If it's %.y
, the thread will succeed and return some text. If it's %.n
, the thread will fail with an error message.
Here's the thread, which you can save in the /ted
directory of the %base
desk on a fake ~zod:
/- spider=, strand=strand:spider=, strand-fail=strand-fail:libstrand:spider^- thread:spider|= arg=vase=/ m (strand ,vase)^- form:m?. !<(? arg)(strand-fail %i-have-failed 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' ~)(pure:m !>('success!!!'))
Here's the Gall agent, which you can save in the /app
directory of the %base
desk on a fake ~zod:
/+ default-agent=+ ~=* state -^- agent:gall|_ bowl=bowl:gall+* this .def ~(. (default-agent this %.n) bowl)++ on-poke|= [=mark =vase]^- (quip card:agent:gall _this)?> ?=(%noun mark)=+ !<(succeed=? vase):_ this[%pass /result %arvo %k %fard q.byk.bowl %mythread %noun !>(succeed)]~::++ on-arvo|= [=wire sign=sign-arvo]^- (quip card:agent:gall _this)?> ?=([%result ~] wire)?> ?=([%khan %arow *] sign)?: ?=(%.n -.p.sign)((slog leaf+<p.p.sign> ~) `this)((slog !<(@t q.p.p.sign) ~) `this)::++ on-init on-init:def++ on-save on-save:def++ on-load on-load:def++ on-watch on-watch:def++ on-agent on-agent:def++ on-leave on-leave:def++ on-peek on-peek:def++ on-fail on-fail:def--
Let's try it out. First, we commit the files:
> |commit %base>=+ /~zod/base/31/app/myapp/hoon+ /~zod/base/31/ted/mythread/hoon
Next, we'll start the agent:
> |start %myapp>=gall: installing %myapp
Let's try poking it with %.y
so the thread succeeds:
> :myapp %.y>=success!!!
The thread succeeded and our Gall agent printed its result.
Now we'll try poking it with %.n
so it fails:
> :myapp %.n>=khan-facti-have-failedfoobarbaz[mote=%thread-fail tang=~['i-have-failed' 'foo' 'bar' 'baz']]
Khan automatically prints the error message, and our app has also pretty-printed the goof
it received.